Hiring an investment consulting firm with knowledge of the market is the first step in setting up business in the USA

The volatility and political uncertainties that almost always hinder investment plans in Latin America, as well as the aggressive capital attraction policy adopted by the American government, are leading Brazilian entrepreneurs to "export" their capital to the United States.
To help these investors to safely invest their capital, a group of Brazilians created IBC - International Business Consulting, an investment consulting company, mainly in the real estate sector.
It is a true team of stars with extensive experience in business development in the United States, such as Emerson Ferreira da Rosa, former soccer player, captain of the Brazilian National Team until the 2002 World Cup and investor in the American Real Estate market; Francisco Moura Jr, founder, CCO and CMO of ATM Club, an ATM investment club in the USA; Gabriel Souza, acting for over 15 years as a Real Estate Broker in Florida, developer of real estate projects for investors; Leandro Araújo, CEO of Trust Network Corp, an exchange broker that represents several banks and brokerage houses in Brazil and abroad; Nilo Mingrone, COO, lawyer and founder of ATM Club and Raul Pereira Neto, lawyer and founding partner of Akila real estate management company.
IBC has a respectable business portfolio that brings together 44 companies under its management, 30 million dollars in foreign exchange transactions via the Central Bank in 2019, 45 million dollars in Real Estate transactions (real estate business in the US), 30 investors and 4 million investments in companies.
The partners of IBC point out as the main differential for investors seeking guidance the fact that it is a consulting firm specialized in the Brazil-United States relationship, which knows the challenges and the best ways in the operation and development of the international strategy.
In the Real Estate area, IBC offers solutions for the curation of projects and investment opportunities in the real estate industry; connection of investors to ideal market opportunities, based on price, location and demand criteria; and asset protection, analysis and optimization of the client's property and real estate portfolio.
The company also offers advisory services for the remittance of international currency by means of foreign exchange operations with the largest financial agents, duly registered with the main government agencies, enabling the client to have his or her money available anywhere in the world, in a safe, fast, and legal manner. Depending on the type of operation, the client's registration may be directed to a bank or a broker, always seeking the best price, agility, and transparency in the process.
For those who wish to set up holding companies and/or family offices - organizations that manage the assets and finances of families that have many businesses - IBC does the technical tax, corporate, shareholders or quotaholders agreement and succession process study; structure analysis, within its nationalization and, eventually or if it is already the case, its internationalization; use and revision of the corporate means used, adequacy and/or restructuring; real estate asset evaluation with technical criteria, made by professionals specialized in the real estate market; performance and results study, current and possible to be obtained; access to a vast collection of opportunities in an exclusive network of properties and investments exclusive to IBC.